Project Three, content site

For the content site, I went for a news site devoted to coverage of man’s best friend. The site has a variety of news and feature stories that are categorized for easy navigation. The front page is dynamic with multiple widgets that offer automated galleries of Fido’s top stories, user-scroll features, comment submissions and more. The individual posts were built using a variety of blocks, including audio/video, image galleries, pull quotes and other features. I customized a MailPoet plug in to offer a newsletter subscription. There was extensive CSS customization to streamline the colors and fonts — but the item I’d like to note is the external MailPoet button on the homepage (“Subscribe to Our Newsletter”) was customized through CSS to match the style (border-width, border-radius, etc) of the rest of the buttons on the page. From crafting the logo in Adobe Illustrator to pulling together the numerous posts, I really enjoyed using WordPress to build this site. I spent a lot of time on this one, and feel like I only scratched the surface of what’s possible with WP!