The first sign of womanhood isn’t buds

To breasts,

Or the red staining your inner thighs

Like the drip of grenadine cherries,

But when you spot one, two,

Lines under your eyes

The dusting of ash

Over the smear of mulberry

Blood vessels sighing in exhaustion,

Because you know you are a woman

When you are kept all day

With another’s dependency,

Emotional and physical

Either or both draining away from your life

And when you crash down to your pillow sniffing sheets,

Muscles unfolding the origami of today’s worries

But trust me when I say: you’ll get no sleep

Your mind has only just begun

Translating last years memories

Into bitten pieces of nails and shredded cuticles

Eyes staring into the abyss of shadow

Created by the fold of your comforter

You question yourself:

The fork in the road’s at the end of your hair

Was it worth it to send them away?

The new dimple in your bloated thighs

When will you have your glow up?

You need a new eyeshadow pallet, yours is shattered

What have you even accomplished?

Your bank account resembles the potted plant on your mahogany desk

Who even loves you?

Definitely need to start eating more fruit

When was the last time you plucked your eyebrows?

Thirty than fifty than a hundred and twenty-seven minutes

Fly from the clock

And you’ll never get them back and that scares you

But after this night of torture

That you forced on yourself

You have passed the test

Submerged in exhaustion and the finest of lines under

Your bent lashes,

Welcome to the rest of your life as a


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